Looking for a TangoYoung
Many cities have already opened TangoYoung classes! Do you want to know which one is closest to you? Take a look at the network of associations that have already joined the project!
Your city is not in this list? Can not find a course near your home? Do not despair but WRITE US and let us know where you would like to find a dedicated TangoYoung class! Siamo continuamente in contatto con tante associazioni e numerosi insegnanti nella maggior parte delle città e capitali Europee; con il loro aiuto e i tuoi suggerimenti, speriamo di aprire presto un corso vicino casa tua!
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The e-mail addresses and telephone numbers in our archive come from personal contacts or lists and services in the public domain or published. In compliance with D. LGS.VO n.196 / 2003, for the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data, at any time it is possible to modify or delete the data present in our archive. If our communications are not of interest to you, it will be possible to avoid any further disturbance by specifying the contact to be removed and indicating as object of the message 'cancel' or 'remove' or other clear indication.